Monday, January 19, 2009

What a Crazy World

amd_natalie-dylanThe world is crazy..have you know Natalie Dylan?, she is 22 year old San Diego woman who already hold a B.S. in women’s studies, she plan to continue her study, but she does not have enough financial to do her study plan. she just an ordinary woman, but she have a crazy or a strange way to get financial solution for her study, she is selling her virginity online. Asked about her decision and doubters, Dylan replied, "We live in a capitalist society. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?". She following her sister who sold her virginity to fulfill her financial life. Natialie dylan will sell her virginity for between $1 million and $3.8’s a big money. She also insist that the auction is only for one night stand, not for a relationship.

On the heels of a recent report that the bidding for Natalie Dylan’s virginity is now at $3.7 million, Natalie chatted exclusively with Scandalist about the truth behind her sensational auction.

The bids keep going up and up, and Natalie will continue to hold out until “it all dies down.”

“Why would I prematurely end something that could be so lucrative?” she asks. She must have been thinking along the same lines when she made the decision to hold out on sex until it really meant something: like $3.8 million.

How the capitalism influence our daily life into a crazy people, thought that anything in a money view, sold anything as long as someone want to pay it. What a crazy world.

So, Natalie Dylan auction and Prosistute, what the different?


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